Getting Your Car Back on the Road Quicker

Save Time & Your Wallet with Quality Auto Services in Silverdale!
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Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are the car experts. We handle it all for you!
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Quality Workmanship

We’re committed to superior service. Let us help you!
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15 Years in Business

Keeping you safe on the road since 2007.

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Work Done Right

Highly qualified staff
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Trusted by Many

Rated 4.8 on Google with over 80 reviews.

How can we help you take care of your car?

Vehicle Services



Fluid Check & Replacement


Battery Check & Replacement


Brake Inspection Service


Car Diagnostics


Maintenance & Repairs


Book your car in!

Make a Booking 09 426 5016

Rodney Auto Centre NZ

About Rodney AutoCentre

Rodney AutoCentre is your one stop shop for all vehicle repairs and maintenance. We’re proud to offer a full service mechanical shop that can take care of whatever any issue you’ve got with your car, truck or 4 wheel drive. Our experienced and qualified team here at Rodney AutoCentre offer friendly professional services to get you back on the road quickly and for a fair cost.

car repair auckland

testimonial quote


“Dean organised the replacement Honda fog lamp and fitted it with the minimum of delay and this is just another piece of excellent service that we have come to expect. We have used Rodney Auto Centre for about three years, for both cars, and can’t fault the service in any way. Always friendly, efficient and affordable.”


car engine check

testimonial quote


“What a great little garage! AA had to tow car and recommended them, I wasn’t disappointed. Car fixed AND cleaned inside and out. Loaner provided. Just fabulous service!!!!!”