Your Brakes Don’t Work?
One of the responsibilities of having a car is ensuring that your car is running in good condition. One of the parts that need TLC or tender loving care is your brakes. To achieve this, you must plan either quarterly or annual car diagnostics service. Depending on your car – if it is fairly new or already a “good old reliable” – doing car diagnostics should be on your list of things to do to maintain and retain the durability and reliability of your vehicle.
However, life happens, and we become so busy that the only time we get to notice these things is when it happens. And, finding out your brakes aren’t working properly could be a nerve-wracking experience. While we are always ready to help you with car-related services, we always want to put our client’s safety on top of everything.
So, for this month’s blog, Rodney Auto Centre would like to share a few realistic things you can do when your brakes don’t work. A few of these tips were also shared by the All-State website.
Do not panic
I wouldn’t judge if you did panic upon noticing your brakes don’t work! Of course, the initial reaction is to either yell or ask aloud “what do I do now?” It would be hard not to panic but try to keep your cool and stay focused. Otherwise, you’d end up being in a collision or cause a major accident on the road.
Pull the emergency brake or handle
If you already tried your best to keep your cool by pressing the brakes many times and they’re still unresponsive, pull the emergency brake or handle WITHOUT turning the wheel. If you’re driving a stick, shift to a lower gear. This way, it will help lessen the speed and you’d have enough time to think, decide, and ask for help.
Drive within the speed limit
The allowed maximum speed for open roads is 100 km/hr and 50 km/hr in urban areas. However, there will be times that we do otherwise. This is why driving within the approved speed limit is crucial because when your brakes don’t respond quickly and you turn the wheel right away, it’ll cause your car to turn over.
Do not turn the wheel
Following the tip above, when you find out the brakes don’t work, do not turn the wheel right away. Just continue driving until you find a safe place to put your car in.
Call or signal for help
If you’re driving on a street or a road with more cars than usual, try to use the hazards or flag someone with your hands indicating that you are in trouble and you need help. Do not attempt to turn off the ignition cos it would also lock the wheels. While waiting for help, just continue driving until you find a safe place to get off. Ultimately, keep our number on speed dial, 09426 5016.
Get your vehicles checked by professionals
Just like our health, prevention is always better than cure. The same theory applies to our cars. They also need to get checked and diagnosed. If you do not set aside a day for a check-up, your car will find a way for you to do it, and it is scarier. Save lives by being a responsible car owner.
It’s all about trust and responsibility
Get your cars checked in a timely manner. Plan your car diagnostics with your trusted mechanic. If you need thorough assistance from professionals, contact us and check our wide array of car services on our website From car diagnostics to electrical services, we got you.